17 July 2019

Lite n' Easy Case Study: Double Digital Conversion Improvement.

Lamb Agency partnered with Lite n’ Easy to assist their team in a digital overhaul of their website and ordering systems. Over the course of 12 months, Lamb completed a series of Digital strategy workshops to help define Lite n’ Easy’s market position, and path towards digital market share gain.

Key goals

  • Create a contemporary responsive website

  • Increase website conversion – specifically on mobile

  • Develop solutions which would work with existing company IT limitations

Business Challenges

Throughout the discovery phase of the project, the following key business challenges were identified:

  • Thriving competitive landscape

  • Broad target demographic

  • Critical delivery time frame

  • Significant technology debt

Our Solution

Together with the Lite n’ Easy team’s continual feedback, Lamb Agency was able to produce seamless delivery of the project in Q1 2019. Early results have shown a dramatic increase in conversions:

  • Dramatic increase in mobile conversion

  • Increase in desktop conversion

  • Secondary SEO benefits

Client Testimonial

"With the help of Lamb Agency, we now have a modern, responsive website which is delivering dramatic improvements across all website performance metrics including engagement, session times, page views and most importantly – customer conversion rates. Lamb’s ability to deliver contemporary design and excellent UI within the agreed project timelines contributed greatly to our success."—Simon Northfield, Head of Marketing

Greg is the Managing Director of Lamb Agency, a digital agency focused on creating industry-leading websites.

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